Your anxiety is lying to you
September 7, 2022
At many crossroads in your life, you will encounter three options:
You can either envision what’s ahead, scare the daylights out of yourself or flee the scene.
You can choose to go around the daunting challenge with hopes that you might make it with this shortcut.
You may look the challenge straight in the eyes and go in charging.
I sense that many of us choose to do the first option. Anxiety takes over. It convinces us of our supposed inadequacy and puts us into survival mode through which you craft solutions and alterations to your initial plan because you don’t want all of those scary things to happen to you.
But wait, who actually said these made-up things in your mind were going to happen in the first place? Exactly, no one. Your anxiety is lying to you.
When you feel the need to run; when you feel your heart beating through your chest because you have no idea if you will live it down, remember, your anxiety is lying to you.
When you cancel plans because you feel they won’t like your company, remember your anxiety is lying to you.
When it seems like the world is caving in and you feel you are nothing but a dark, empty hole in the ground, remember your anxiety is lying to you.
When you formulate plan B through Z because you have been convinced plan A will never work out for you, remember your anxiety is lying to you.
When you are on stage about to give that important speech, surrounded by many eyes that you feel are ready to watch you mess up, remember your anxiety is lying to you.
When you turn back instead of taking that next step, remember your anxiety is lying to you.
Do you see how damaging these lies can be?
They literally stop you from taking any risks. It’s like maxing out your insurance plan and choosing to stay in the corner of your room because what if anything at all happens?
We are not made to live this way. The lies that have engrossed you are actually scared of your potential. Your anxiety knows you can do anything and everything, but it doesn’t want you to realize that.
Remember, we need to actively defeat these negative thoughts, these lies that stop us so we can realize our true potential.