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Ontario Tech’s Career Centre is here to help you

March 6, 2023

Are you a student at Ontario Tech who is nearly finished with your education and worried about your future in terms of your career or finding a job? Don't be concerned; the Ontario Tech University Career Centre is open to assist students, recent grads, employers, and faculty members. In addition to providing companies with various recruitment services, they assist students and recent graduates in their job searches and encourage them to investigate other career options.

Through the Student Life Portal, students can access various career development resources, including academic or co-op support, job posting boards, individual career counselling sessions, and employer recruitment and networking events. In addition, the most recent version of Google Classroom has more tools and resources that students can use.

The Career Centre Google Classroom allows you to:

  • Get ready for your career by accessing videos, tip sheets, and other resources.
  • Use the comment/question feature to get in touch with them, and feel free to ask them for details on any career-related subject you're interested in.
  • Discover the Career Centre staff and engage with them.

To access the Career Centre Google Classroom, log in as a student using your student email account. 

 However, some starting points on how to obtain a job can include checking the following links. Additional resources can be found through the student life portal.

Access Career Counselling

  • Schedule a meeting with a career counsellor to discuss your career-related questions or concerns and for assistance with the professional development process.
  • Call 905.721.8668, extension 3392, or send an email to to schedule a meeting with a career counsellor.

Access Employment Advising

Prepare for your job search by scheduling an appointment with an employment counsellor to obtain individualized advice on your resume, cover letter, interviewing skills, and other areas of concern.

Book an Appointment with the Career Centre!

Just log in with your Ontario tech email to get started!