The story of "Humans of Ontario Tech"
May 6, 2020
Where it all started
I’m in my last semester of Communications and Digital Media Studies at Ontario Tech University. One of the final courses I took was COMM 4610U, Communication & Conflict, Nonviolent Communication and Peace. In this course, professor Sharon Lauricella implemented a final project that allowed us to do anything we wanted, as long as it related to nonviolence or peace. This was the beginning of Humans of Ontario Tech.
What I planned
I wanted to focus on peace and building community. I believe that compassion and empathy are keys to building a more connected society. Therefore, I needed to find a way to connect our students, staff, and faculty. Inspired by Humans of New York, I wanted to showcase students in our university community and have them tell their stories. My friend/colleague Matt Wilson also collaborated on this project to find the stories of staff and faculty at our university. We then created the Humans of Ontario Tech Instagram page to post all of our collected stories from university community members.
What happened
Throughout February & March, I was able to collect the stories of eight students on campus, and Matt collected four faculty members’ stories. However, our project hit a huge barrier with COVID-19 closing our university. This stopped us from collecting new stories with people on campus. We wrote our final reflections for this assignment, and I even made a final post for myself on the Instagram page. It was a soft ending to our project. As a graduating student, this is not the way I planned to end my four years of university. I never knew the last lecture I attended on a random Tuesday would be my last, and that I wouldn’t be seeing my friends on campus ever again.
The COVID-19 shutdown and reboot
I couldn’t sit back and let this be the end. As an extrovert, I need my social interactions! I love meeting new people and hanging out with friends. Then it hit me. This project was supposed to build community, and it still could. I wanted to keep sharing the stories and messages of people in our university community, and what better time to than now. I modified my approach to gathering students and stories online. As everyone has a little more time on their hands while physical distancing, I asked friends and leads to write their own posts about something personal to them.
Moving forward during COVID-19
A small class project turned into an outlet for me to continue to meet other students on campus, while giving all university platforms a chance to see “get to know” others in our community. There are so many amazing people at our university, with so many different experiences, stories, knowledge, and messages. I don’t want COVID-19 to disconnect us from our university community or the world around us.
I’m so glad that my class project was able to turn into a university wide platform. It is also a nice final project to finish off my university journey. I encourage everyone to check it out, as there are lots of interesting people and stories. While writing this article, the Humans of Ontario Tech Instagram page has 91 followers, which I believe is larger than the COMM 4610 class it started in. The page is followed and has shared the stories of students from all different faculties, programs, and years. I would love to continue this page and plan to do so for as long as I can, and potentially pass it on to a future student.
If you’d like to share your story or message to the world, feel free to reach out to me at or on Instagram via private messages @humansofontariotech.