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20 ways to refill your emotional cup

January 26, 2022

What is an emotional cup?

 The reality is that day-to-day tasks can be exhausting sometimes. The quote “you can’t pour from an empty cup” is a reminder of how important it is to take time to do things that make you feel good. Similar to a battery, you have to let it recharge before you can use your devices again! As a student, I really try to be mindful of this by taking breaks to do things to refill my cup after long days of studying, working, volunteering, etc. 

The importance of keeping your cup full

In this clip, Oprah talks about how being “full of herself” is not necessarily a bad thing. It is more so representative of the abundance she has to offer to the world! 

Things that I do to refill my cup 

Watching a tv show or movie

For me, I love to pick something to watch on Netflix and have some alone time. That’s how I unwind and refill my cup. It really allows me to take a mental break after school or work to think about something completely different than I was focused on all day. I recently started Archive 81 on Netflix and can’t wait to work my way through the series! 

Reading a book 

I rarely will pick up a physical book just for fun because of all the reading we have to do as students. However, reading has been something I’ve enjoyed since I was little. I love the escapism that comes with diving into a good book. Personally, I love Audible for leisurely reading during the semester. It lets me do chores around the house while listening to a book which works out perfectly for me! My current read is Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover

Physical activity 

If I was on campus more often, I’d definitely be at the gym on those days too! But since I’m not, I like to leave the house even if it’s just to get some fresh air, run errands, do some window shopping around a store, etc. Yoga with Adrienne, one of my favourite YouTubers has a yoga video dedicated to filling your cup which I will definitely be trying next! 

Now it’s your turn...

I challenge you to do something today that refills your cup! Here are some ideas: