Hush, little baby, it's time to rise
May 8, 2023
I know we all have those days when we feel extra gloomy and caught up in the blues. I know we all cry and beat ourselves up, for our life is not going as we had idealized it. But this doesn't mean that you are not worthy of greatness. This does not mean you are an anomaly. You are human, as are we all, and you are imperfect. That is beautiful, and for days that you forget that you are deserving and worthy and doing amazingly well, come to this article and read it.
Hush, little baby, it's time to rise.
I understand the winter season doesn't help you much and adds to the grief. I get that life happens, and often things go downhill for the worst, but I also know that if you don't take good care of yourself, you don't eat right, workout, surround yourself with good people and do something everyday that fuels you up, you are not giving yourself a chance to fight.
Hush, little baby, it's time to rise.
Didn't get the promotion you wanted and feel devalued at work? This does not mean you are inadequate; it simply means the time needs to be correct. This does not mean we will give up on ourselves and place our self-worth on others to decide what we can or cannot achieve. Instead, we are going to keep working.
Hush, little baby, it's time to rise.
You didn't get the desired grade, yet you worked tirelessly. This does not mean you are a failure or will not amount to anything. We are going to office hours and discussing what went wrong, where we can improve, and what we can learn. Then when the following assessment comes around, we will attack it.
Hush, little baby, it's time to rise.
You so enthusiastically planned an event and put forward great efforts to ensure it went to plan, but it didn't. This does not mean you are a failure; it means that life happens and things don't go to plan. We will make the best of every situation and see what we can do to pick up the pieces and keep moving forward. Will we nail it every time? Well, I can't guarantee that but will we feel fulfillment knowing that we did our best? Most certainly, yes!
Hush, little baby, it's time to rise.