Why seeking out help is actually a sign of strength
September 21, 2022
For some strange reason, society has various unspoken beliefs and rules. While these rules can be positive, for example, holding the door for someone behind you, some can also be negative. A negative one that I’ve had to unlearn is the bizarre concept that asking for help is a sign of weakness. Here’s why I truly believe that asking for help is a sign of strength and what seeking out support has taught me.
I’m a work in progress
I had to learn to be kind to myself not only in my academic journey but in life in general. Being a work in progress is actually a beautiful thing. How boring would life be if we all knew the answer to every question and how to navigate every difficult scenario that comes our way? As people we’re always changing and evolving so we must continue to take on a work-in-progress mindset! When I started to realize that I was a work in progress I placed less importance on the idea of chasing “perfection”.
Dropping any expectations of perfection
Sitting in a full lecture hall was a really weird experience for me because it always looked and felt like everyone knew more than me. Yet averages for midterms and exams would be around the 60% mark. I had this warped perception that you’re supposed to walk into a class on an entirely new subject and be an expert on it which is so unrealistic. I honestly thought this because I didn’t see anyone “struggle”. It just looked like everyone knew what was going on at all times or just always knew the answers to things. Once I realized that we’re all learning and we’re all just doing our best I started to be more gracious with myself. I started to realize that it was okay. It’s okay to struggle, it’s okay to not know the answer, and it’s okay to need help!
Committed to doing better
I realized that if I’m considering asking for help with something, that means I’ve identified a weakness in myself. Scratch that. I’ve identified an area with the potential for growth. Do you see how a tiny mindset switch or internal self-dialogue shift can make all of the difference? Once I realized that nothing is permanent, I have the potential to do better, and I can strive to grow in a certain area, I felt so much better about my academic journey.
Whatever is that you’re dealing with, please know that you’re not alone. If you’re ever in need of support, the university has a variety of services available to help students at any stage throughout their journey including: