Guide to being an Ally
June 1, 2022
Recognize your privilege
Having privilege means that you possess an unearned advantage in society through some aspect of your identity compared to folks who lack that attribute. While it can be uncomfortable, recognizing your privilege can allow you to use it to promote more equity for the 2SLGBTQ+ community. It does not mean you have never struggled or had hardships in your life. It just means that you have not had troubles in your life that relate to your sexual orientation or gender identity.
Listen and Pay Attention
It is extremely important to listen to and amplify the voices of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Allow them to talk about their hardships and acknowledge them. Pay attention to how the discrimination and oppression they face are minimized or discredited by others. Pretending like it does not or could not happen is not helpful to anyone. Make this a continuous practice and not just a one-time action in your life.
Educate yourself
It is up to you to unlearn and educate yourself; it is not solely the responsibility of the 2SLGBTQ+ community! Allies have the responsibility to listen when people want to share but not push to hear their stories. So do your research! You do not want to place any personal guilt or discomfort of yours onto them. Do not seek out comfort and hope they can bring you to terms with your remorse. Start meaningful conversations with people in your life about the inequity in the 2SLGBTQ+ community faces, even if it's difficult. Advocating fully for the community and being a good ally sometimes mean having difficult conversations.
Take the time to research literature and films written and created by 2SLGBTQ+ individuals. Pass this information on to friends and family who want to learn more!
Attend Events
Celebrate pride month! Watch the flag raising on June 1st to start the month. You can also find other pride events to attend and show your support. Watch or attend a Pride Parade near you. Check out the student life portal for 2SLGBTQ+-related events that go on throughout the year.
Spread Awareness Online
There are many ways to spread awareness by advocating for the community as well as posting helpful resources. You can use your social media platforms to lift their voices, but do not make it about yourself. You can also use social media to inform others about 2SLGBTQ+ owned businesses, authors, restaurants etc. Remember to make this a continuous practice in your life and not just during specific times like Pride month. Being an ally never stops!
Don’t Make Assumptions
You never want to make assumptions about people because everyone is different! Making assumptions can be harmful and cause dysphoria for people in the community. Language is a powerful thing; you want to use it carefully. It is always safe to ask people questions if you are unsure or want to know something, as long as they are appropriate and within context. Just because you are curious does not mean you can ask anything.