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Lifestyle Youtubers that will make you nostalgic

April 14, 2023

I used to live on Youtube a few years ago-literally! I became very fond of beauty gurus and consistently kept up with them. Watching their lifestyles really motivated me to consider becoming a Youtuber. I think we all have had that phase, but I soon realized that it is easier said than done. From watching “Back to School” videos to “Makeup Hacks” to “Challenges”, Youtube was really entertaining me during times of boredom throughout high school. It was such a comforting space that I could keep watching day in and day out. Moreover, I feel that I have grown up alongside these influencers and they have taught me a lot about myself! Can you relate? 

Alisha Marie

I absolutely loved watching her challenge videos as they always gave me a good laugh and were super entertaining! Furthermore, the vlogs were very cool and provided perspective into her real life. I loved that Alisha was always down to earth and honest about the reality of being a Youtuber. It isn’t as glamorous as the good lighting and editing skills may make it seem. She was also open about the bullying she experienced and her insecurities which I found to be very moving as the culture of beauty gurus on Youtube was fabricated to be a perfect little lifestyle. Thanks for keeping it, real girl!

Brooklyn and Bailey

I loved watching the twins! It’s so beautiful to look back at how far they have come from those early days of making hairstyle videos to now filming their weddings, engagements, honeymoon sagas and so much more! I am especially thankful for Mindy, their mother and founder of “Cute Girls Hairstyles'' as my mom would always try to do fun, new hairstyles alongside Mindy’s instructions.

Meredith Foster

I adored Merebear! Her fitness routines alongside “Fall Get Ready with Me” videos always got me super excited for school! Fall happens to be my favourite season, hence it was so heartwarming to see her portray the fall season through such an exciting lens! 

TC2 or The Cheernastics 2

The TC2 girls hold a special place in my heart. Back in the day when I started gymnastics, I found it very difficult to relate to other girls my age. I shortly came across TC2 and seeing the way in which they organized gymnastics into their lives made me feel more excited and provided role models for me to look up to. My sister and I would also watch their Tumbling routines, conditioning routines, workout routines, and try different things out after watching them. Revisiting their page has really made me nostalgic and allowed me to reflect on how far I have come! 

Natacha Océane

More recently, as I became more passionate about fitness, I discovered Natacha, and I have become obsessed with her videos! They are so fun and have actually motivated me to make my own Youtube channel in an attempt to try and channel something similar?! Seriously, I love her content. She documents the most insane challenges and is always having a good time while maintaining good health. I think this is what has motivated me to try something similar in the stream of fitness because she makes things fun and less mundane! I know I sort of cheated by mentioning Natacha but it was so important because she is the one Youtuber that I keep up with to this date! Definitely check her out!