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LinkedIn: the roadway to professional success

March 2, 2021

With many social media outlets permitting the sharing of personal information, LinkedIn offers a platform to share professional experiences. This is a unique site that allows for a history of your work experience, volunteer record, education, certificates and licenses, accomplishments and awards, courses, publications, articles, interests, skills, endorsements, and many other aspects. The platform works by keeping track of all relevant experiences and information which can be accessed by potential future employers. Below are 4 benefits of creating a LinkedIn account; or reasons for making better use of the one you already have.


With a multitude of hiring managers and job recruiters on the platform, there is an excellent prospect of connecting with future employers. It allows them to put a face to the name and allows you to stand out in a pool of applicants. By reaching out and networking, you are at better odds regarding future employment endeavours.  

Job Opportunities

There are many jobs offered on LinkedIn exclusively that can unlock new doors not found on other job sites. With a substantial list of job opportunities within a field of your interest, there is an increased likelihood of a successful job match. 

Brand Building

With the ability to post an extensive list of all of your experiences, whether work or volunteer related, accomplishments, skills, and interests - you have the ability to create a detailed resume. The resume can double as a part of your brand as it can be a space where you are endorsed for your skills by fellow co-workers, peers, and mentors. 

Research Aid

With a LinkedIn account, you are granted access to research companies, institutions, hiring managers, job recruiters, among many other influential individuals. This allows you to gain a higher level of knowledge about your employer so that you may be able to better prepare yourself for an interview or a job position. 

With the outreach offered by LinkedIn, it is important to ensure that you have a strong profile to stand out. Start today by adding in all your information to create your career portfolio and grow your network by reaching out to contacts you know. If you find that you may need more help with your account, there are many online resources available that can be found through a quick Google search. The Career Centre offers one-on-one support and has a variety of resources, including a LinkedIn tipsheet, professional etiquette tips, as well as helpful tips to better your account.


Zimmerman, J., & Ng, D. (n.d.). The Benefits of Using LinkedIn. Retrieved July 28, 2020, from

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 7 Ways College Students Can Benefit from LinkedIn. Retrieved July 27, 2020, from