Websites to explore and bookmark as an Ontario Tech Student
September 17, 2021
It can be overwhelming the number of resources and websites there are to keep track of upon starting university. I know I was definitely overwhelmed. Here are the websites I use the most and personally have bookmarked on my computer!
MyCampus is where you can view your tuition account balance, see your class schedule, set up your Ontario Tech email account, and so much more!
Canvas is where your course materials such as assignments, lectures, quizzes etc. will be posted.
Important dates and deadlines
This link is one I check particularly often because it outlines all the important dates for the semester including when tuition fees are due, the last day to drop classes, when reading week is, when the final exam period runs, etc.
Course descriptions
This page is especially helpful during course registration! I like to check it out if there’s a course I have to take or I’m interested in taking but I’d like a little synopsis of it beforehand.
The Student Life Portal
The Student Life Portal is a great place to check for workshop times and offerings, book peer-tutor appointments, update your student experience record, and so much more!
Student Life
The Student Life page lays out many of the services offered at Ontario Tech!
Ontario Tech Library
The library website is helpful for research resources, citation guides, but the most fun of all, it’s how you can book a study room on campus!
The Digital Community
Since you’re here, you probably already know that this is our student blog written by students, for students. At every stage in my university career, I’ve benefited from visiting the Digital Community. It’s a great resource to hear student perspectives on what university life is truly like!