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How green tea has changed my life

August 13, 2021

Green tea was something that I would never drink no matter how hard someone tried to convince me. My first experience with it as a child was terrible. It was so bitter. I couldn’t fathom why it was legally allowed to be a thing. This strong opinion changed when I began looking into natural methods of managing stress. As I researched, I came across (you’ll never guess it) green tea. Green tea was claimed to provide a calming effect that helped you relax and reduce anxiety. Alas, I was convinced. I had to give it another try as my childhood memory may have deceived me because I may not have tried the “right” brand of green tea. After trying green tea for the second time in my life, not much about my opinion changed. However, knowing that it was supposedly healthy, I continued to drink it frequently. After a while, I came to enjoy the taste, heck it actually began to taste sweet! Now I drink green tea almost every day and more often when I feel overwhelmed, it really helps me out.

Here are some reasons why Christopher Ochner, Ph.D. and research scientist in nutrition at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital approves of green tea!

“Green tea is the healthiest thing I can think of to drink”, says Christopher. 

He explains that while no food may necessarily ward off illness as your health is more directly concerned with your lifestyle and genes, green tea lives up to its claims as an antioxidant. Green tea has catechin which is a powerful antioxidant that fights and may also prevent cell damage. 

green tea

Benefits for the heart and brain.

Green tea improves blood flow and lowers cholesterol. Research shows green tea helps block the formation of plaques in the brain that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It keeps blood sugar stable and may also protect against the damage caused by high-fat diets.


Weight loss?

Some research suggests the active ingredient in green tea, EGCG, may facilitate some weight loss but further studies are required to be absolutely sure. On the bright side, green tea would be a great substitute for sugary drinks which indirectly could contribute to good health given you are avoiding unnecessary sugar! 


The cure to cancer?

Well not exactly. Sure, green tea is known to help healthy cells in all of their stages of growth and there may be some connection with destroying cancer cells. But, more research is needed before any definitive claims are made. 




Green tea’s calming effect is what swept me off my feet. Web MD agrees that sipping green tea allows you to relax and slow down. Theanine is the natural chemical found within green tea and is associated with producing this calming effect. 

 relaxation image


Should you sip?

Now, the point isn’t to hoard all the green tea the grocery store has but perhaps to give it a try! I simply warm a mug of water in the microwave for 2 minutes and dip the green tea bag five to six times and voila. If you are feeling extra fancy, add some lemon! This actually makes the catechins easier to absorb by our bodies. Go ahead, give it a try, I hope it brightens up your day, and if anything, changes your life! 

Sipping tea