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Helpful and free apps to have on your phone as a university student

January 17, 2022

I’d say as a student the second most important piece of technology I own is my phone with my laptop taking first place. Here are some helpful apps that I have on my phone for convenience that are also free!

Ontario Tech Mobile App

This app is so helpful for any notifications pertaining to Ontario Tech. It was especially helpful during Orientation because it held a calendar of all of the events. It also has a link to campus maps, Canvas, the Digital Community, and so much more! You can also opt-in to get notifications when certain channels post updates. 

  • Opt-in to get notifications

    For example, to receive a notification whenever a new Digital Community article is posted: 

    • Click the person emoticon in the top right corner next to the word “Student”
    • Select “Messages”
    • Switch to the “Opt-in” tab
    • Select “Manage my opt-in channels”
    • Select “Student community blog”
    • Select the green “Opt-in” button! 


Gmail Tips

Considering the number of updates we get via email as students, it’s so convenient to just have the app on my phone so I can check it whenever or wherever I am!

Google Drive 

Google drive tips

I try to save as much as I can to my Google Drive to avoid losing important files. By having the app on my phone I can quickly pull up a document wherever I need to.

Google Docs

 docs tips

If you have Google Drive and think it’d be helpful to also edit documents, it may be worthwhile to also download Google Docs. This will allow you to edit documents on the go which is super helpful!

Google Meet

meets tips

This is helpful if you need to attend a meeting on the go, or if you’re having a proctored exam and the way to contact your professor if you’re having any difficulties is through Google Meet.


Spotify video

Spotify has been so great for me to have to be able to listen to music between classes, on a commute, or even listen to instrumental tracks while I’m studying. You can listen to Spotify for free or you can sign up for a discounted premium student plan with the first month free.


reebee tips

This has been so helpful for someone like me who doesn’t read the flyers on a regular basis but still wants to know about all of the sales going on. It is essentially an online flyer app. When I wanted to buy a new pair of headphones I kept searching for them on Reebee until they went on sale and then went out and bought them!


flora tips

Flora is a great productivity app! Whenever I really need to focus but continuously have the urge to go on my phone I like to fire up Flora. You select the increment of time you’d like to work for and start the timer. At the beginning of your session you’ll start off with a little seedling and by the end of it, you’ll build a plant or tree if you don’t interrupt the timer by closing the app and using your phone. You can also create a shared tree with friends to study and be productive together which is fun!