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Can’t Hurt Me

September 15, 2022

David Goggins is truly an inspiration to me. From listening to his interviews and remixes while working out to reading his book Can’t Hurt Me, this man has inspired me beyond my years. I love what he stands for, and that is maximizing your potential. Given the positive influence he has had on my life, I thought I would share some items with you in hopes of challenging you!

Are you working hard? 

Goggins so honestly says that many of us are living at 20% of our capabilities. He says this so confidently because of his background. As a child, he experienced domestic abuse and had a learning disability, and these negative experiences shaped his reality for the worst. He lost his sense of self-worth and accepted his life for what it was. He described himself as a “fat guy spraying for cockroaches”. It was not until he discovered his passion for the Navy and fitness that he decided to change. He mentions that there were several instances where he wanted to quit. However, it was the constant reminder of what he would remain to be that kept him going. 

With these words, I would like you to take a step back and examine your life. Are you living a fulfilling life in which you are putting forth your best efforts? Are you telling yourself the truth when you’re saying what you’re saying? If your answer is no, then it’s time for some change. 

Do you have a cracked foundation?

Goggins says that many of us have a cracked foundation. Do you only seem to see the negative in your life? When you look around do you simply see the people that don’t like you and the experiences that have led to your shortcomings? As humans, we always look toward what we don’t have. No matter what you may be blessed with, you may find yourself thinking about what you lack. The solution to this is simply to build your foundation. Stop telling yourself these lies. Stop scaring yourself. There is so much to be grateful for in your life and although you may have forgotten this fact, let’s do ourselves a favour and recall this, all of it. Let’s take out a pen and paper and jot these things down. You will be left feeling a lot better! Now keep this list somewhere you can see it daily as a reminder of what you possess and with practice, these negative feelings will slowly be beaten!

Are you comparing yourself to others? 

Goggins openly talks about his struggles with comparison. He stresses that much of his early years were wasted comparing himself to others. It was not until he realized that everyone has problems that he decided to stop. He says you need to compare yourself to yourself. What can you do today to be better than who you were yesterday? So much truth lies in his words because, at the end of the day, you only have control over what you can or can’t do. Use this power wisely. 

Are you your own hero? 

Goggins says, “I’m my own hero”. What does it mean to be your own hero? Again, this goes back to the idea of control and betterment. Be your own hero by setting yourself up for success. Be there for yourself and make the right choices that you know will leverage you towards your goals. Don’t chase the crowd, don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. You do you, be your own hero!

Do you have a perspective? 

A few pages into Can’t Hurt Me and I quickly realized how difficult life was for David. The abuse he endured sent chills down my spine. The manner in which he was raised and understanding how little he had, gave me perspective. Goggins had every excuse in the world not to be great; his life was messed up growing up and what’s even more astounding is that none of this was his fault. So did he cave in? Absolutely not. He went after his goals and that’s why we know him today, that’s why I’m writing about him today. 

I often come across negative feelings and anxiety, as we all may, because, c’mon, we’re human. We worry sometimes. But after understanding David’s story, I obtained a perspective of how much worse life could have been. This has allowed me to be grateful and to stop making up excuses. I urge you to do the same. Have some perspective, read his book if you are able to and keep putting one foot in front of the other. 

Listen to David Goggins "THE INTERVIEW"