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5 body positive Instagram accounts to follow

March 5, 2021

In this day and age of perfectly curated Instagram feeds, it is refreshing to follow content creators dedicated to showcasing beauty in all of its forms. Here are some of my personal favourite Instagram accounts: 



I love me some Ashley Graham! Ashley is an American model that continues to be a breath of fresh air for me when I’m on Instagram. She is real and candid about her struggles. She encourages self-love and body positivity through posts that showcase her beauty in a relatable way.



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just like my backyard, I’m a work in progress. 😌💪🏽💕 #fableticsambassador ⁣ ⁣ the thing about self-love is that it can’t start at a destination - because self-love is a journey that includes giving yourself grace, love and affirmation through every step and every turn. i celebrate my body at all of my sizes. i love myself through every rainbow and through every storm. ⁣ ⁣ i am not striving for perfection to feel beautiful. i am a work in progress, a continuous draft and an evolving storyline. the beauty lies in the in-between & i am giving myself the permission to toss aside any beauty standards that make me feel less than or inferior as I am in this moment - & i invite you to join me. 💞⁣ ⁣ 🌈✨ to snatch this full look (the puffer jacket selection this month is unreal) click the link in my bio to sign up to be a @fabletics VIP + get 2 for $24 leggings!

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Nabela is a bright and beautiful soul! She is a Bangladeshi American Youtube personality who also has her own clothing company, @zeba

Zeba is a clothing line that deviates from traditional sizing of small, medium, large, etc. Their sizing is instead composed of empowering words which I love so much!



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You will always be too much for some and too little for others. ⁣ ⁣ But remember who’s home it is. ⁣ ⁣ Sometimes we paint walls to cover up things we don’t want to show. ⁣ When we aren’t ready, or we are working through our whys and the opinions of others, so we use the paint to hide. ⁣ ⁣ Sometimes we want to leave the walls bare. We want to relish in existence just as we are. Letting ourselves just be. ⁣ ⁣ And sometimes we paint walls to be creative, express and enjoy the home we’re in. To own her. To love her. To find that freedom to choose each day. A splash of red. A stroke of black. A swipe of pink. ⁣ ⁣ Because they are our walls.⁣ This is our home. ⁣ ⁣ But they are also *just* the walls. ⁣ They aren’t the stories or the magic or the memories or the meanings. ⁣ If someone came into your home and judged you for your walls, they’d miss it all. They’d miss the good stuff. ⁣ ⁣ So just go and live and breathe and do and be all the things you want to. Whether you paint or whether you relish in your stay. ⁣ ⁣ This is your home. ⁣ Make ✨your✨ choices. Create good memories with it. ⁣ ⁣ Photo inspired by @charlottepeirce_

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Sarah, the creator of this page is so inspirational. I love that she makes posts to uplift women and encourages her followers to love the skin they’re in. The stories and insight that she shares are so thoughtful and honest. I’m so happy that I found her page!



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The hardest part was opening up to my doctor about how I felt and saying “yes” to trying out medication, alongside therapy. This was over 3 years ago and I have since come off my medication and have other ways to cope with my anxiety. But being on medication was a true life saver when I needed it. So, even though I understand that a lot of people are against it, we need to normalize being on medication, so that the people that benefit from it aren’t ashamed or secretive about it, like I was at the time. Moving my body helps tremendously in keeping my mood balanced. So does therapy. So does writing or creating. So does any self care activity. And so did medication. Everyone will have their own ways of helping themselves and neither are better or worse. Personally, I had tried all other kinds of holistic approaches, but nothing helped as much as medication did at the time I needed it the most. We need to stop making it a hush hush thing and instead normalize it as one option to take care of our mental health. We all have to do what’s best for us and we all deserve to get the support we need to feel better 💗

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I recently came across this page! Rini is a fellow Canadian Instagram personality that shares content surrounding mental health and self-love. I love the side-by-side pictures she makes. She is working to undo different stigmas and encourage positive self-talk which is fantastic.



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This #NoFilter Challenge started in my stories around a week ago — accidentally, if I’m honest. You gals just took an idea and ran with it. So lets make it a thing. Let’s do this #NoFilter STORIES challenge together. I love a good fun filter. But sometimes, ESPECIALLY when I’m feeling VULNERABLE, filters can be tricky to navigate. They show me a smooth, shiny, glossy version of ‘perfection’. One that almost always has a smaller NOSE. And BIGGER EYES. And skin without a single pore. So today, I just want to remind you that YOU, EXACTLY as you ARE, In all your raw, complex human ways, You deserve to show up here. You belong here. You are, as one Mr. Beebs would say, Already picture perfect. Don’t need no filter. The ladies who helped me put this together include: @MyBetterSelf - She’s the last lady in this clip and the main co-organiser, an incredible feminist from France. @Taymocha - A therapist and plant-based farm nerd @Thuymi - A travel blogger from Quebec @SkinNoShame - A skin-positive blogger @MirnaSabbagh - An Arabic nutrition expert @SashaLouisePallari - Makeup artist, curve model, and an incredible campaigner for fewer filters @DouzeFevrier - An amazing public figure who speaks about self love and scars @HayleyMadiganFitness - A coach for female health and self love @AmeniEsseibi - The first curvy model of the Middle East I’m so glad you’re here. #NoFilter #NoFilterChallenge #filterfree #selflove #selfacceptance #skinpositivity @justinbieber

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Dana is amazing! I admire her page because she shows how angles, lighting, and filters can be used to take “aesthetic” pictures. She contrasts edited pictures with unedited, unposed, and raw photos to unveil the effort that actually goes into getting the “perfect picture” for Instagram. 


I hope you enjoy checking these Instagram pages out! Never forget that...