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Tips for effective remote learning

March 19, 2020

We’re all in this together. All courses 100% online. For some, this is a new educational journey, others already know their way around online courses. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced pro, here are tips to help you manage your online courses:

Prepare everything you’ll need beforehand

Whether you’re about to attend a live lecture or start doing homework, it’s best to prepare beforehand. Grab all your books, writing utensils, technology, chargers and a drink before starting. This will ensure you don’t have to get up halfway through a live lecture or take that “quick” study break. Make sure you have a reliable internet connection as well. The biggest thing I always need to remember: PLUG YOUR LAPTOP IN BEFORE YOU START!

Designate time for work

Some of your courses may allow you the freedom to tackle content at your own pace, while others may have mandatory live lectures. Regardless, it is important to designate specific hours of your day to doing work. This ensures that you will always be moving forward with course materials and won’t leave everything until the last minute. Additionally, you should plan out what exactly you’ll be working on in advance of starting.

Allow for rescheduling

Sometimes more important things come up in life that conflict with your scheduled work time, and that’s totally ok! Sometimes I’m even guilty of choosing to hang out with friends (virtually) during my designated work time. I’d like to argue that this is ok, IF you can reschedule your homework time later in the day. Maybe you have an appointment that can only be booked in your morning work time, so going to the appointment and doing work in the evening is the best option. It’s ok to be a little lenient with your rescheduling, just don’t get too out of control. 

Have a designated working space

As comfortable as you might be in your bed, I strongly advise against it. In previous years, I have tried doing live online lectures from my bed with my webcam off, and yes, it’s very comfortable. However, I can not tell you one thing that happened in those lectures. On the other hand, when I attended those same online lectures sitting up at my desk, I was more engaged and retained so much more information. Find the best ergonomic set up for yourself, and designate that as your new workspace. 

Eliminate distractions

I’m guilty of doing whatever I can to procrastinate. I’ll check phone notifications instantly, I’ll get distracted by my family talking about dinner plans, and I’ll just happen to take my dog for a walk halfway through doing my work. Do not let this happen. I repeat, do not let this happen! Try and remove distractions as much as possible. Put your phone on silent or in another room, clear clutter on your desk that may distract you, and finish other responsibilities near you. This will hopefully help keep you focused on your work, rather than tiny distractions. 

Take breaks

Your whole social distancing journey can’t be spent doing work. Remember to take a study break when possible. Go for a quick walk, or have a snack. Don’t let your brain go too crazy. If you’re doing homework, set a 45-minute timer to remind you to take a break, break for 15 minutes, then repeat the cycle. 

I hope this list will help you get through the next month of online classes and prepare you for any future online classes you may take. If you're looking for more resources, check out this video from FEAS Academic Advisor, Theeben, on how to maximize the potential of online learning:

Stay safe everyone!